The audience is a vital component for any client or brand.
Knowing your target audience becomes the bedrock of your communication. Addressing the identified market andaudience strengthens the impact of the message that you’re trying to deliver.
The ABC Model diligently takes you through the process of finding your audience and then aptly segmentingit.
The entire process of identifying your audience and understanding its needs, wants and goals is very criticalto every brand, which is why it requires immense attention and clear-cut accuracy. The ABC Model givesparticular importance to this part of the process through applying a number of systematic approaches.
Knowing your target audience
Addressing the identified market and audience strengthens the impact of the message that you’re trying to deliver.
becomes the bedrock
of your communication.
diligently takes you through the process of finding your audience and then aptly segmenting it.
The ABC MODEL gives particular importance to this part of the process through applying a number of systematic approaches.
The entire process of identifying your audience and understanding its needs, wants and goals is very critical to every brand, which is why it requires immense attention and clear-cut accuracy.
The ABC Model begins with a Segmentation of theMarket through an Intensive Study that Determineswhat Triggers the Need or Want in an Individual or aGroup of People for the Offered Product or Service.
This Allows for the Different Groups to be Extracted asProspective Audiences and be Categorized According toDemographics, Psychographics, Behavioral, andGeographical Characteristics in order to Create AudienceProfiles.
A lot of Brands End up Limiting their Audience dueto the Lack of Resources to Research the Market andTest it. The ABC Model’s Methodologies Allow it tonot only Detect the Right Audience, but also UncoverNew Prospects that could Potentially give yourProducts or Services a new Dimension, and a newAudience Segmentation Altogether.
Using Market and Perceptual Mapping, The ModelStreamlines the Process in a Simplified YetComprehensive Manner.
Since Business Activity in General Involves MultipleStakeholders, It is Crucial to Study and Analyze themClosely to Maximize the Effect of the Message that isbeing Delivered.
The ABC Model Employs Stakeholder Mapping toIdentify, Analyze and Prioritize Stakeholders because itUnderstandsthe Influence that Stakeholders can haveon the Brand, and Ultimately on the Message of the Brand.
characteristics in order to createaudience profiles.
This allows for the different groups to be extracted asprospective audiences and be categorized according to
BRIDGE The bridge is where the client and audience meet. W7Worldwide gives a lot of attention to the bridge becausethis is where we transform the message from just words and visions to empathy, giving it a personality thatpeople can interact with. This enables the message to reach the audience and causes a long lastingimpression.

Building up the Pillars

The fundamentals of communication are made up of a set of questions that are asked to find out the what, why,when, who, where and how of anything. In Communications & PR, to be specific, they are asked to weave a‘message’ that will travel from the brand to its audience. When asked about in-depth, these questionsprovide volumes of insights and observations.
There is, however, a seventh question that was created by the founders of Worldwide: by whom. By Whom is themeans through which we can find the most suitable platform which could be an online tool, a person, a groupof people or even a functionality on a website that is able to convey the crafted message of the brand in aneffective manner successfully.
The 7Ws enable the Model to understand what exactly it is that needs to be communicated to the audience ofany brand, and this element in itself gives the ABC Model a strong head start when it comes to creating astrategy. Since there are numerous factors, such as economical, political, social, etc., that influence theperceptions of audiences in respect to brands, it issignificant for the Model to study them carefully so that it may result with an inclusive and precisestrategy that leaves no room for slip-ups.
These questions, in other words, serve as the pillars of the bridge that is about to be built. It isimportant that these questions are asked with intricacy in order to form the message, and then build astrategy. Understanding both sides through the questions, The ABC Model is able to develop a synergy betweenthe audience, the brand (client), and the message in a focused and concise manner.
Forming the Bridge
Now that the Model has laid down a substantial foundation through a sound strategy, the next step is tocreate the bridge through cultivating tactical activities that put your strategy into action. The Modelcarries out activities that create a buzz, and make long lasting impressions through the different toolsthat the ABC Model uses to make this happen.
Employing a variety of tactical activities, such as press conferences, campaigns, interviews, etc. orchoosing to stick with just one is a choice that depends on the message that the brand wants to deliver.However, the Model keeps in mind not just the internal factors, but also the external factors that caninfluence market needs and requirements with time. This is the reason why the ABC Model fosters flexibilityas it allows it to adapt to the ever-changing market and audience demands.
These tactical activities serve as stimulating happenings that strengthen the bond between the brand and itstarget audience, which ultimately results in brand loyalty and a long-lasting relationship with a humanconnection.
Upholding the Bridge
This approach allows the Model to be proactive and have a well-trained team that is constantly observing andanalyzing the market to instantly spot changes in the industry, market, consumer behavior, or any otherchanges that might affect the relationship that has been established.
Another major and recurring factor that has an influence over the audience is crises. The ABC Model was builtto first prevent any crisis from happening, and second, in the case that it occurs, to ensure immediateresponse towards the issue. This guarantees a full protection of the message and the brand reputationthrough the Model’s excellence in crisis management and in being reactive.
Sustaining the Impact
Sustainability of the bridge is just as important as building it in the first place, and the ABC Model makesthis happen through persistent impact. Persistent impact is the distinct quality through which a brand makesa difference in the market through keeping itself up-to-date and highly visible.
Building a relationship that the audience might forget about is not worth it. The ABC Model ensures that thebrand’s activities and messages are being constantly carried out in an innovative manner so that the brand’smessage gets strongly imprinted in its audience’ssubconscious minds.
A relevant instance would be Coca Cola, a brand that focuses on associating ‘happiness’ with itself. CocaCola has tied its brand to this ecstatic emotion through various ads and other platforms including socialexperiments that differentiate it and remind people why they need to keep buying Coke.
Similarly, the ABC Model regards the need to keep bringing the brand and the audience closer in order toachieve the holistic objective of making the brand stand out, and ultimately get its message with afull-rounded approach.
Maintaining effective communication and understanding the client is a crucial head start for a relationshipthat generates results and impact. Since there are multiple dimensions to any client, the ABC Modelcategorizes these and tackles each one with a tailored approach.
Maintaining effective communication and understanding the client is a crucial head start for a relationshipthat generates results and impact. Since there are multiple dimensions to any client, the ABC Modelcategorizes these and tackles each one with a tailored approach.
Maintaining effective communication and understanding the client is a crucial head start for a relationshipthat generates results and impact. Since there are multiple dimensions to any client, the ABC Modelcategorizes these and tackles each one with a tailored approach.
The client and the brand both have one thing in common: the human connection. This is established with theclient first in order to synchronize with them on an emotional level and to build a relationship that willlast. It further strengthens the bond and fosters a trust where the client believes in the expertise of theagency.
Knowing the brand and the client inside out allows the Model to step into the same mindset and operateaccordingly. It cuts down the communication and efforts that might be required later in the process byassembling a complete picture right in the beginning.
The ABC Model maps out a detailed and thorough comprehension plan that begins studying the brand from a macropoint of view where it learns about the brand’s history, its background, and its purpose.
In order to lay a foundation of understanding the brand, the ABC Model conducts several professionalresearches that indicate a number of key factors which help identify their core objectives, their beliefs,their future projections and goals.
Furthermore, the Model reaches out to the brand through conducting several workshops and customized sessionsthat provide a clearer understanding of the brand’s philosophy, vision, and message. This insight doesn’tonly serve the purpose of distinguishing the brand, but also gives the Model an opportunity to capitalize onanything that stands out.
Moving towards the core, the Model explores the culture within the brand, which enables it to infuse itselfwith the personality of the brand so that when the message is being crafted, it comes through the rightrepresentation – which refers to our distinct question: by whom?
Although the brand requires a lot of attention, it is important not to neglect the client who is handling thebrand. Every client has their own way of working, and the ABC Model aspires to fully understand it in orderto produce work that resonates not just with the brand, but also the client.
As the client is the entity who represents the brand, understanding its ways becomes very crucial for thefinal impact. Aligning yourself with the client can take you ten steps ahead of where you already are asthen you both start working towards the same thing and cultivate a strong understanding of meeting eachothers’ needs.
The audience is a vital component for any client or brand.
Knowing your target audience becomes the bedrock of your communication. Addressing the identified market andaudience strengthens the impact of the message that you’re trying to deliver.
The ABC Model diligently takes you through the process of finding your audience and then aptly segmentingit.
The entire process of identifying your audience and understanding its needs, wants and goals is very criticalto every brand, which is why it requires immense attention and clear-cut accuracy. The ABC Model givesparticular importance to this part of the process through applying a number of systematic approaches.
Knowing your target audience
Addressing the identified market and audience strengthens the impact of the message that you’re trying to deliver.
becomes the bedrock
of your communication.
diligently takes you through the process of finding your audience and then aptly segmenting it.
The entire process of identifying your audience and understanding its needs, wants and goals is very critical to every brand, which is why it requires immense attention and clear-cut accuracy.
The ABC MODEL gives particular importance to this part of the process through applying a number of systematic approaches.
The ABC Model begins with a Segmentation of theMarket through an Intensive Study that Determineswhat Triggers the Need or Want in an Individual or aGroup of People for the Offered Product or Service.
This Allows for the Different Groups to be Extracted asProspective Audiences and be Categorized According toDemographics, Psychographics, Behavioral, andGeographical Characteristics in order to Create AudienceProfiles.
A lot of Brands End up Limiting their Audience dueto the Lack of Resources to Research the Market andTest it. The ABC Model’s Methodologies Allow it tonot only Detect the Right Audience, but also UncoverNew Prospects that could Potentially give yourProducts or Services a new Dimension, and a newAudience Segmentation Altogether.
Using Market and Perceptual Mapping, The ModelStreamlines the Process in a Simplified YetComprehensive Manner.
Since Business Activity in General Involves MultipleStakeholders, It is Crucial to Study and Analyze themClosely to Maximize the Effect of the Message that isbeing Delivered.
The ABC Model Employs Stakeholder Mapping toIdentify, Analyze and Prioritize Stakeholders because itUnderstandsthe Influence that Stakeholders can haveon the Brand, and Ultimately on the Message of the Brand.
This allows for the different groups to be extracted asprospective audiences and be categorized according to
characteristics in order to createaudience profiles.
BRIDGE The bridge is where the client and audience meet. W7Worldwide gives a lot of attention to the bridge becausethis is where we transform the message from just words and visions to empathy, giving it a personality thatpeople can interact with. This enables the message to reach the audience and causes a long lastingimpression.

Building up the Pillars

The fundamentals of communication are made up of a set of questions that are asked to find out the what, why,when, who, where and how of anything. In Communications & PR, to be specific, they are asked to weave a‘message’ that will travel from the brand to its audience. When asked about in-depth, these questionsprovide volumes of insights and observations.
There is, however, a seventh question that was created by the founders of Worldwide: by whom. By Whom is themeans through which we can find the most suitable platform which could be an online tool, a person, a groupof people or even a functionality on a website that is able to convey the crafted message of the brand in aneffective manner successfully.
The 7Ws enable the Model to understand what exactly it is that needs to be communicated to the audience ofany brand, and this element in itself gives the ABC Model a strong head start when it comes to creating astrategy. Since there are numerous factors, such as economical, political, social, etc., that influence theperceptions of audiences in respect to brands, it issignificant for the Model to study them carefully so that it may result with an inclusive and precisestrategy that leaves no room for slip-ups.
These questions, in other words, serve as the pillars of the bridge that is about to be built. It isimportant that these questions are asked with intricacy in order to form the message, and then build astrategy. Understanding both sides through the questions, The ABC Model is able to develop a synergy betweenthe audience, the brand (client), and the message in a focused and concise manner.
Forming the Bridge
Now that the Model has laid down a substantial foundation through a sound strategy, the next step is tocreate the bridge through cultivating tactical activities that put your strategy into action. The Modelcarries out activities that create a buzz, and make long lasting impressions through the different toolsthat the ABC Model uses to make this happen.
Employing a variety of tactical activities, such as press conferences, campaigns, interviews, etc. or choosing to stick with just one is a choice that depends on the message that the brand wants to deliver. However, the Model keeps in mind not just the internal factors, but also the external factors that can influence market needs and requirements with time. This is the reason why the ABC Model fosters flexibility as it allows it to adapt to the ever-changing market and audience demands.
These tactical activities serve as stimulating happenings that strengthen the bond between the brand and its target audience, which ultimately results in brand loyalty and a long-lasting relationship with a human connection.
Upholding the Bridge
The ABC Model evidently understands the importance of retaining the relationship that has already been builtand making sure that it can manage unwanted situations before they even happen.
This approach allows the Model to be proactive and have a well-trained team that is constantly observing andanalyzing the market to instantly spot changes in the industry, market, consumer behavior, or any otherchanges that might affect the relationship that has been established.
Another major and recurring factor that has an influence over the audience is crises. The ABC Model was builtto first prevent any crisis from happening, and second, in the case that it occurs, to ensure immediateresponse towards the issue. This guarantees a full protection of the message and the brand reputationthrough the Model’s excellence in crisis management and in being reactive.
Sustaining the Impact
Sustainability of the bridge is just as important as building it in the first place, andthe ABC Model makes this happen through persistent impact. Persistent impact is thedistinct quality through which a brand makes a difference in the market through keepingitself up-to-date and highly visible.
Building a relationship that the audience might forget about is not worth it. The ABC Model ensures that the brand’s activities and messages are being constantly carried out in an innovative manner so that the brand’s message gets strongly imprinted in its audience’s subconscious minds.
A relevant instance would be Coca Cola, a brand that focuses on associating ‘happiness’ with itself. Coca Cola has tied its brand to this ecstatic emotion through various ads and other platforms including social experiments that differentiate it and remind people why they need to keep buying Coke.
Similarly, the ABC Model regards the need to keep bringing the brand and the audience closer in order to achieve the holistic objective of making the brand stand out, and ultimately get its message with a full-rounded approach.
Maintaining effective communication and understanding the client is a crucial head start for a relationship that generates results and impact. Since there are multiple dimensions to any client, the ABC Model categorizes these and tackles each one with a tailored approach.
Maintaining effective communication and understanding the client is a crucial head start for a relationship that generates results and impact. Since there are multiple dimensions to any client, the ABC Model categorizes these and tackles each one with a tailored approach.
Maintaining effective communication and understanding the client is a crucial head start for a relationshipthat generates results and impact. Since there are multiple dimensions to any client, the ABC Modelcategorizes these and tackles each one with a tailored approach.
The client and the brand both have one thing in common: the human connection. This is established with theclient first in order to synchronize with them on an emotional level and to build a relationship that willlast. It further strengthens the bond and fosters a trust where the client believes in the expertise of theagency.
Knowing the brand and the client inside out allows the Model to step into the same mindset and operateaccordingly. It cuts down the communication and efforts that might be required later in the process byassembling a complete picture right in the beginning.
The ABC Model maps out a detailed and thorough comprehension plan that begins studying the brand from a macropoint of view where it learns about the brand’s history, its background, and its purpose.
In order to lay a foundation of understanding the brand, the ABC Model conducts several professionalresearches that indicate a number of key factors which help identify their core objectives, their beliefs,their future projections and goals.
Furthermore, the Model reaches out to the brand through conducting several workshops and customized sessionsthat provide a clearer understanding of the brand’s philosophy, vision, and message. This insight doesn’tonly serve the purpose of distinguishing the brand, but also gives the Model an opportunity to capitalize onanything that stands out.
Moving towards the core, the Model explores the culture within the brand, which enables it to infuse itselfwith the personality of the brand so that when the message is being crafted, it comes through the rightrepresentation – which refers to our distinct question: by whom?
Although the brand requires a lot of attention, it is important not to neglect the client who is handling thebrand. Every client has their own way of working, and the ABC Model aspires to fully understand it in orderto produce work that resonates not just with the brand, but also the client.
As the client is the entity who represents the brand, understanding its ways becomes very crucial for thefinal impact. Aligning yourself with the client can take you ten steps ahead of where you already are asthen you both start working towards the same thing and cultivate a strong understanding of meeting eachothers’ needs.
The ABC Model evidently understands the importance of retaining the relationship that has already been builtand making sure that it can manage unwanted situations before they even happen.